Offset printing services in Singapore is easily one the most common and sought after high volume printing method. It is called offset printing, or offset lithography, because of the indirect method in which the images of the prints on metal plates are transferred or offset onto rubber blankets or rollers before actually going onto the selected media. Due to inexpensive plates and the ease in maintenance, Singapore offset printing service produces high and consistent image quality and works on a wide range of printing media and surfaces, which includes cloth, metal, leather, smooth or rough paper as well as wood. In this article, we will discuss in great length to decide if your kind of print job is the most suitable for offset printing.
Singapore offset printing service uses only high quality printing process in the industry, using actual inks and not toner, producing prints with rich, smooth solids without the streaking found in lesser quality prints. The look and feel of any offset product would easily come across as a more professional job. This is why offset printing is great for business cards, letter heads, catalogues, books or booklets, business forms, flyers, brochure, calendars, invitations and so much more.
Offset printing is the absolute choice for any mass print job that requires either a simple, basic black and white finish or when achieving the perfect colour is essential. Singapore offset printing service uses actual Pantone ink and the Pantone Matching system, so you can be sure that the finished print job will be of the highest quality with perfect-looking images and true colours.
The process of offset printing is best suited for large or high-volume jobs as most of the cost is in the initial set up and the price per print will decrease as the quantity of the prints increases. However, offset printing can also be used for small or medium projects. Depending on the volume or the bulk of your print job, offset printing services in Singapore might just offer the highest quality of print at the lowest price per piece in the printing industry. If your project or print volume is big enough to overcome the front-end costs, typically talking about 500 pieces here, offset printing will offset (no pun intended) the overall price per piece and give you an advantage.
Together with the flexible rubber that conforms readily to the surface of any media and the indirect process in which the image does not come into direct contact with the print medium, offset printing is the only highly effective method to print on rough-surfaced media such as canvas, cloth, leather, metal, plastic and wood. So, if you are hoping for some unique business cards on materials such as metal or plastic or a distinctive marketing handout that would stand out on a special surface, offset printing is definitely your printing solution to give you the added creative edge.
Hopefully this article will help you to decide if offset printing is suitable for your kind of print job. If you need more information about our product, please read this Sticker Printing Services article.